Supercharge Git with fzf

Working with Git branches can be annoying, especially with long names or when cleaning up old ones. Try fzf, a tool that makes managing branches easy.

Switch branches

Use fzf to select and switch branches interactively:

git branch | fzf --preview 'git log -p main..{-1} --color=always {-1}' | cut -c 3- | xargs git switch

Delete branches

Delete branch interactively with fzf:

git branch | fzf -m --preview 'git log -p main..{-1} --color=always {-1}' | cut -c 3- | xargs git branch -d

I setup them in my shell config to save time:

alias gs="git switch"
alias gsc="git witch -c"
alias gsi="git branch | fzf --preview 'git log -p main..{-1} --color=always {-1}' | cut -c 3- | xargs git switch"
alias gbd="git branch | fzf -m --preview 'git log -p main..{-1} --color=always {-1}' | cut -c 3- | xargs git branch -d"

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