What data do we collect?

General browsing

While browsing the site, no personal information is collected. IP addresses are not stored in any way in the server logs.


We do not collect any data when you send a comment or reaction, but GitHub does in order to provide the service.


For website improvement, the following non-personal data is collected:

  • Referrer: the source that led you to this site.
  • Requested URL: the specific page you visited.
  • User-Agent: identifies the browser and operating system you use (e.g. "Safari 17.0, Mac OS X").
  • Country name: the country you are visiting from, determined by your IP address.
  • Screen type: the type of your device.
  • Time: when you accessed the site.
  • Browsing session: a temporary identification code generated from your IP address, browser information, and a random number. This is used to recognise a browsing session for 8 hours. After that time, the code is deleted from memory and is not stored anywhere.

I do not track unique visitors across sessions, and I do not track how long you stay on the site or where you go after you leave.

How do we collect this data?


The data associated with comments is collected using giscus, a platform that enables GitHub-based comments.


The non-personal data is collected using a self-hosted instance of Umami, an open-source privacy-friendly, no cookies, GDPR & CCPA compliant web analytics platform.

How will we use the data?

The data sent to GitHub is used to display your comment on the site.

All data collected is publicly available, either in the form of comments or statistics.

We do not use the data for any other purpose.

How do we store the data?

The comments data is not stored by Giscus, as specified in their privacy policy. The data is stored on GitHub servers. See the GitHub's privacy policy.

The server follows industry best practices for security, including automatic security updates, a strict Content Security Policy, a firewall, key-based SSH access, etc.

How long will we store the data?

You can view all comments on website in the discussion tab of the repository for this website.


The site does not use cookies.

Privacy policies of other websites

This website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to this website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.