Git aliases
Git aliases are a must have for every developer. They save time, reduce typing, and make your workflow more efficient.
You can set them up in two ways: terminal shell aliases or .gitconfig
Terminal shell aliases
Here’s a part how I set up my Git aliases in my shell config (e.g. .zshrc
or fish.config
# Git
alias g="git"
alias gc="git commit -m"
alias gca="git commit -a -m"
alias gp="git push origin HEAD"
alias gpu="git pull origin"
alias gpf="git push --force-with-lease"
alias gst="git status"
alias gs="git switch"
alias gsc="git switch -c"
alias gdiff="git diff"
alias gco="git checkout"
alias gcob="git checkout -b"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gba="git branch -a"
alias gadd="git add"
alias ga="git add -p"
alias gre="git reset"
Other way to manage git alias with global .gitconfig
# List all aliases
aliases = !git config --get-regexp alias | sed -re 's/alias\\.(\\S*)\\s(.*)$/\\1 = \\2/g'
# Command shortcuts
st = status
cm = commit -m
co = checkout
stl = stash list
stp = stash pop stash@{0}
sts = stash save --include-untracked
sw = switch
a = !git add .
ca = !git commit --amend -C HEAD
fetch = !git fetch --all --prune
# Force-push safely (won’t overwrite others’ work)
pf = push --force-with-lease
# Update last commit with staged changes
oups = !(git add . && git commit --amend -C HEAD)
# Edit last commit message
reword = commit --amend
# Undo last commit but keep changes staged
uncommit = reset --soft HEAD~1
# Remove file(s) from Git but keep them on disk
untrack = rm --cached --
# Delete merged local branches
delete-local-merged = "!git fetch && git branch --merged | egrep -v 'master' | xargs git branch -d"
# Create an empty commit (useful for CI triggers)
empty = commit --allow-empty