Setup Webpack TypeScript

Published: 2020-11-14
2394 words - 9 min read

How to setup a webpack project with TypeScript?

We continue from the previous article basic setup webpack. In this article, we will discover how to setup a webpack project with TypeScript and using plugin in Webpack.

Install webpack and loaders packages

  • Create new project and install packages dependencies

    $ mkdir webpack-typescript
    $ cd webpack-typescript
    $ npm init -y
    $ yarn add webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server style-loader css-loader sass sass-loader file-loader -D

    To understand each dependencies means, checkout my previous article basic setup webpack

  • Install HTMLWebpackPlugin

    $ yarn add html-webpack-plugin -D

    This plugin will help use import automatically the new bundle.js file after build into index.html build file. You will see more explanation below.

  • Install TypeScript TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types. By understanding JavaScript, TypeScript saves you time catching errors, debug adn providing fixes before you run code. Any browser, any OS, anywhere JavaScript runs.

    We can use TypeScript to compile to the compatible JavaScript version, so we don't need use babel in this case.

    $ yarn add typescript ts-loader -D
    • typescript: install TypeScript language for your project. You can also install TypeScript on your machine as Nodejs, Python and the other programming languages with command: yarn add global typescript.
    • ts-loader: allow integrate TypeScript to webpack

Create project files

We will create a simple project to understand each config for webpack project using TypeScript. This project will be the same the previous project. But we will code in TypeScript.

  • public/index.html file

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <div id="root">
          <h1>Webpack with TypeScript</h1>

    Notice: you can see, we don't import any js file. The reason is HtmlWebpackPlugin, will be explained below.

  • src/add.ts

    export const add = (a = 1, b = 2): number => a + b;
    export const treeShaking = (): void => {
      console.log('This phrase will not appear on build file');
  • src/app.d.ts

    Why this file? TypeScript is a strong type, it will not consider files as images, videos as modules, and we can't import them. So we need declare the type for each file type.

    declare module  '*.png'{
      const src: string;
      export default src
    declare module  '*.jpg'{
      const src: string;
      export default src
    declare module  '*.jpeg'{
      const src: string;
      export default src
  • src/index.scss

    $color: #ddd;
    #root {
      text-align: center;
      background-color: $color;
      padding: 100px;
  • src/loadImage.ts

    import logo from './logo.png';
    const component = (): HTMLElement => {
      const element: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
      const webpackLogo: HTMLImageElement = new Image();
      webpackLogo.src = logo;
      webpackLogo.width = 200;
      return element;
  • src/subtract.ts

    export const subtract = (a: number, b: number): number => a - b;
  • src/index.ts

    import { subtract } from './subtract';
    import { add } from './add';
    import './loadImage';
    import './index.scss';
    console.log(`1 + 2 = ${add(1, 2)}`);
    console.log(`8 - 2 = ${subtract(8, 2)}`);



This file contains de configuration to compile the TypeScript code to Js code.

Create compileOption for TypeScript: tsc --init or create directly tsconfig.json in the root folder and paste the following code.


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES6",
    "allowJs": true,
    "strict": true,
    "module": "ESNext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "outDir": "./dist/",
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["src/*"],
      "@@/*": ["./*"]
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true
  "include": ["src/**/*"]

For more information about tsconfig


How tsconfig.json file works?

  • target: Version javascript that we want to build from TypeScript. Here is ES6
  • allowJs: Allow use using js file in TypeScript project
  • strict: Strict mode for Typescript
  • module: After compiling the js, the codes will be written as ESNext module. There are many option here, but we do not recommend use the option commonJS because il will lose the Tree-shaking feature of webpack. See this feature in my previous post
  • noImplicitAny: Do not allow any implicit understanding
  • sourceMap: easier to debug in dev enviroment. We need use it in both tsconfig and webpack.config
  • baseUrl: The base path, usually "./". If you use the path option below, you must specify baseUrl
  • paths: Create alias to facilitate import. For example, instead of using ../../../ now you can shorten it to @/. Configuring the alias in tsconfig.json just helps the editor to understand it, it doesn't work with webpack. So you have to configure with alias with the webpack below as well.
  • include: Specifies the files to be used in the project.



const path = require('path')
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
module.exports = (env, agrv) => {
  const isDev = agrv.mode === 'development'
  return {
    entry: './src/index.ts',
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
          use: 'ts-loader',
          exclude: /node_modules/
          test: /\.(s[ac]ss|css)$/,
          use: [
              loader: 'css-loader',
              options: { sourceMap: isDev ? true : false }
              loader: 'sass-loader',
              options: { sourceMap: isDev ? true : false }
          test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/,
          use: [
              loader: 'file-loader',
              options: {
                name: '[path][name].[ext]'
    resolve: {
      extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx'],
      alias: {
        '@': path.resolve('src'),
        '@@': path.resolve()
    output: {
      path: path.resolve('dist'),
      publicPath: '',
      filename: 'bundle.[hash:6].js',
      environment: {
        arrowFunction: false,
        bigIntLiteral: false,
        const: false,
        destructuring: false,
        dynamicImport: false,
        forOf: false,
        module: false
    devtool: isDev ? 'source-map' : false,
    devServer: {
      contentBase: 'public',
      port: 3000,
      hot: true,
      watchContentBase: true
    plugins: [
      new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        template: 'public/index.html'


  • Entry: Entry points of your project where you put the main code to run your server. Check Webpack entry point

  • module.rules: Array contains the loaders

  • test: Using regex to determine the file type. If it is true then it will run the loader.

    file-loader will run png, svg, jpg, gif... (image and video) file.

  • exclude: Enter a regex, the loader will ignore these file and folder.

  • use: Retrieve an object or an array containing loader information.

    • Notice for babel-loader: using presets @babel/preset by default. It will compile to ES5 syntax.
    • Notice for style-loader: using sourMap to easier debug when dev.
    • Notice for file-loader: using [path][name].[ext] means after build, the files will be created with the similar names in similar folder. For example: if you have src/logo.png file, when you build it, you will have dist/src/logo.png.
  • resolve: { extensions: [‘.js’, ‘.jsx’] }: The priority order when import files. For example, there are 2 files name.js and name.jsx in the same folder. In another file you import * from 'name', it will prioritize .js file

  • alias: Create alias to facilitate import in webpack

  • output: configuration of build file webpack

    • output.path: the absolute path to the directory after build. For the absolute path, we usually use path.resolve() or path.join() in combination with the global variable __dirname.
    • output.publicPath: the relative path from the index.html file pointing to the files in the dist directory after build.

    For example: in the file loadImage.js, we import logo, the logo variable will be become: output.publicPath + 'src/logo.png. If after the build, we run the index.html file in a different location not in the public directory, we will accidentally make the logo variable wrong.

    • output.filename: filename of js bundle after build.

    Here we use [hash:6] means the bundle will add 6 random characters to the bundle file in each build (ex: bundle.bbc536.js).

    This is aimed at restricting your browser to cache Javascript when you update a new Javascript version for your website.

    But we have a problem. Each time of build, we will have a new bundle file. So do we need edit the src of script import in the public/index.html file?

    We don't. Because we use the plugin HtmlWebpackPlugin. It will help use create a new index.html file from the original html file.

    This new html file will use the template as the public/index.html and automatically build to dist/src/index.html and import new bundle.....js file.

    • output.environment: By default, webpack will generate code using the ES6 syntax. If you don't want this, you can modify the target build by yourself in the output.environment
      • arrowFunction: support arrow function.
      • bigIntLiteral: support BigInt
      • const: support declaration constlet
      • destructuring: support destructuring
      • dynamicImport: support async import
      • forOf: support forOf for array
      • module: support moudle ES6 (import … from ‘…’)
  • devtool: contains the configuration file after dev or after build. When you in the dev step, you can use source-map to debug more simply. But we don't use it in the production to reduce the volume of file when build.

    Check Devtool Webpack

  • devServer: You can imagine, it will create a server localhost at the root folder

    • devServer.contentBase: the path directory where contains index.html file. Here is public
    • devServer.port: port of localhost
    • The mode hot reload. By default, on the dev server, webpack will refresh the page every time when there is a slight change in the code. The hot reload helps use to see the change but don't need reload page.
    • devServer.publicPath: the relative path from root directory pointing to the build directory. Here is /dist/ --> / is root folder
    • devServer.watchContentBase: If you have the change in the index.html, browser will reload automatically.

Structure of project

├── dist
│   ├── bundle.bbc536.js
│   ├── index.html
│   └── src
│       └── logo.png
├── package.json
├── public
│   └── index.html
├── src
│   ├── add.ts
│   ├── app.d.ts
│   ├── index.scss
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── loadImage.ts
│   ├── logo.png
│   └── subtract.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── webpack.config.js
└── yarn.lock
