Ecommerce GraphQL

E-commerce project using GraphQL with stack: NestJS - ReactJS(NextJS) - MongoDB

Source code Github: ecommerce


  • Backend
    • TypeScript
    • NodeJS (via NestJS)
    • GraphQL (via @nestjs/graphql)
    • Upload image with firebase bucket
    • Email verification with sendgrid
    • Testing: Unit tests, e2e tests with jest
  • Frontend
    • TypeScript
    • ReactJS (via NextJS)
    • Apollo GraphQL
    • React Bootstrap + SCSS for styling
    • Testing: jest & react-library testing
  • Database
    • MongoDB
    • Data provides: scrapping from other website with scrapy (python)


  • Auth: Jwt, refresh-token, verification email
  • Send email with Nodemailer+Sendgrid
  • Full featured shopping cart
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Top products carousel
  • Product pagination
  • Product search feature
  • User profile with orders
  • Admin product management
  • Admin user management
  • Admin Order details page
  • Mark orders as delivered option
  • Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
  • PayPal / credit card integration
  • Upload images with Multer + Firebase storage
  • Testing: Unit tests, end to end tests
  • CI-CD: Github actions